Friday, October 30, 2009

More Beechwood S&M + Halloween CX = Burnout

I am wasted, smoked, toasted, and burned.

Last weekend was suppose to be nothing but rest from the previous 5 weeks of bike racing, but Mitch had a great idea: Let's all go to the Beech for 60 minutes of hell, otherwise known as the FIRST Beechwood Recoil CX. It probably did not help that Joe gave me a beer when I first arrived, beer number two before the race started, then beer number three at lap three. No matter, but still five hard CX laps at the Beech is no easy undertaking. Ouch. Six straight weeks of racing.

Today: Washington CX. Excellent start. Top three into the turn and up the first climb. But something is wrong, I am not feeling it in the legs/lungs and ten places are lost. It may be burnout since I have been riding since March or it is something else. Seven straight weekends of racing.

Estabrook next Sunday. Eight straight weeks of racing. It has to be top half or I am shutting down 2009.

There is no point paying for mediocre. There is work that needs to be done for 2010 because my USAC license is going to be auto-upgraded if I want to race. Shit.

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