Damn...I just love my second home. I love sitting on my dock, having a beer while my buddy chases his duck, snake, frog, fox, and skunk friends through the water and grass. The serenity of fly fishing the Namekagon is my cathedral, my church. Only a few people that REALLY know me, realizes that this part of Wisconsin defines me. It is my family. It is my home.
But this place also brings out the sadistic side of me. Musky fishing in the 30-40 degree with rain and snow. Making continuous $20 contributions to questionable and immoral charities. All three cantinas of Dante's Divine Comedy on display.
But it also means so, so much more. It is my second birthplace...it is why I bike. Gary says I get to come back for Round #4. No begging this time, but a inconspicuous, well-place bribe might have done the trick.
Now starts 6 months of the torture, the transformation, the trip fantastic. The building of a monster and a chariot. And rage. Unadulterated and unapologetic rage.
But more importantly....a purpose.
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