Friday, August 13, 2010

And Now for Something Completely Different

A chapter comes to a close, a season to an end, the end of the book. The 2010 bike karma was over, even before it got started.

So, boys and girls, Chequamegon is my swan song.

2011 will be something different:
  • Duathlons? Maybe..but yet another bike?
  • Triathlons? Fuck water.
  • Marathon? Possibly. Shoes are cheap, but surgery has many more costs.
Besides, I have a kick ass fishing boat that has not seen water in 2.5 years and I am long overdue to my friends for weekends of nothing but fish guts, fermented/distilled beverages and Phipps's memories that can last a lifetime.

Conclusion: Time for new life challenges. It has been a great fucking ride.

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