Friday, May 27, 2011

Plumtree's Absolute Duke

I miss my Buff. I would have given my own life just to make sure that cancer was eradicated from this earth...from all living beings.

Those months without a canine roaming the homestead were very empty. I searched and I searched for your replacement, but the feeling was non-existent and could not be revived. I made a decision that I needed to separate myself 46+ years of Labradors, the pain of losing you was just something that I could not shake (Seriously...getting rid of a wife was a lot easier). But then again, Dean could never hit a curve ball...

I was reluctant, but a suggestion drove me to Illinois. No real desire to drive there, but 'something' steered me there...but again like the last few months, three pups with no interest as me as a companion. 5 minutes...nothing. 10 minutes...nothing. 15....ok...time to go home. Then something happens....

Then, out of nowhere, something comes from behind and sits down between my legs.. and will not move. The breeder, 20 yards away turns to my sister and says...'they found each other'. April 2, 2011.

Yes... there have been challenges with a dog that has had no training (potty, crate and obedience), but that lasted about 1 month. But I realized that something was different on day number 2, when you did a double retrieve. Wait a were bred for Westminster? Fuck that.

Besides...his father is a 'King', his brother was a 'Tsar'...

'Duke'...well...he just might be royalty.

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