Thursday, August 20, 2009

Going the Distance

Forty it is.

Call it suicide, stupidity or insanity (or all three), but I need to do this. This is my 'marathon' and it needs to be conquered.

If I make Cty OO in 1hr, game on. Otherwise, I am just going to enjoy the ride and dedicate my 2010 training back to the 15 miler.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Awfulness and Indecision

I may be on the verge of burn-out, because on the second climb of the day I just cracked. I am not sure what the problem is but I am guessing it was because of the 45 mile, 3200ft ascent on Friday. Or the 12 beers since Thursday...

I have 14 days to make a decision about Chequamegon:40 miles or only 15. In my opinion, I still have unfinished business in the 15 miler because I placed 88 without being pushed (or pulled) and the fear that my rear tire was flatting out. But I have an opportunity to do my 'marathon' and I should be taking advantage of this. I am not sure that I have fitness level to participate at a level that I find acceptable and I am not going to make it a leisurely ride through the forest.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Tires, tires and more TIRES!

I am going to drive myself into bankrupcy or the nut house trying to find the right MTB tire. I believe that I have found it, but it took me six sets of other tires to find one that works the best for me.

These things are fast--Chequamegon 2:30 fast...maybe.